
Turkana Proverbs


Ifemesia, Chieka.  Turkana.  New York: Rosen Publishing Group, Inc, 1996. 


Turkana English
Toem apokon, sodi, kit oemeta moi iyong ngide kon.

Honor your father, and your children will honor you.

Angatun aite apei ejok edwangit abongun kogin.

Gaining one cow on a cattle raid is better than gaining none.

Akisirmokin aemong kitatae elope erai akingo naapolon.

Never interrupt a man who is giving praise to his favorite bull. (The favorite bull is the focus of the herd and the center of the families livelihood. For this reason it is worthy of praise.)

Aelo a ngiputiro ejok noi kotere elose alogita.

Since warthogs go in packs, they must maintain very close friendships.

Akikwaan a akimuj echom ka naitwaan ilereunit atamar arai ngesi ekisikwanet itwaan.

Baboons eat nuts and berries with their fingers as people do, so they must be related to us.

Nyesakene emorotot auno kotere eni elope bon itwaan totwan ori kiridak.

A python doesn’t need rope to tie a person up.

Achwaanut a ekolia  anakipi ikoni achwaanut aitwaan eyei nawi keng.

A man in his homestead is like a fish in water.