This symbol is called kanaga. It represents the primordial energy of the universe.
Mali Empire
Dogon Symbols
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Mali page
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Mali Glossary
Mali Online Project
Name |
Dogon |
Location |
Mali |
Population |
Encyclopedia of African Peoples, Facts on File, February 2000
Language |
Dogon |
Type of Culture |
Agriculturalist |
Timeline |
The ancestors of the West Africa people, including the Ashanti and Dogon, appeared in the Niger River area in 8000 BC. Oral histories dates the Dogon to the Niger River area in the 10th to the 13th centuries. They emigrated west to Burkina Faso. In 1490 they fled the Mossi kingdom. Repeated harassed by slavers and Islamic raiders, they ended up in the Bandigara cliffs region, where they now live.
Art and life in Africa, University of Iowa
History |
Cliff dwellers, early history indicated that they lived in caves.
There is little rainfall and the people live in a rocky terrain. The people are farmers and must grow crops on terraced land and must carry water for their crops. Crops include Millet, Sorghum, vegetables, fruit and cotton. The people raise goats, sheep, and chickens.
Villages are grouped around a well and the leader of the group is the father of the extended family.
Current status | |
Artwork most prevalent |
Beads made of sap
Granary Door
Straw and leather hat
Artwork's distinguishing characteristics |
Stylized human and animal figures, geometric shapes |
Traditional foods |
Millet, sorghum, groundnuts, onions |
Dogon Kanaga Mask

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